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Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Adventures of White Fish

Short story made by the Kidz World Community Team.

On the homepage you see ten fish swimming in the aquarium.
But one day for some reason there was only nine fish swimming in the aquarium!
White Fish had disappeared! The aquarium keeper looked all over the website but could not
find White Fish. Smiley Clown hired a search team to find White Fish. Meanwhile White
Fish was in the fish tank aquarium at the bottom of the play page and inside the fish tank aquarium
were three sharks sleeping. White Fish bumped into one of the sharks!
 The shark chased White Fish around Kidz World Community until White Fish
came to the Art Page. He hid behind one of the art drawings. The shark could not find him and went
back to his fish tank aquarium.The search team looked at all the Wallpaper Pages, Polls, Stories and once the  search team went to the Art Page they found White Fish behind a art drawing. White fish rushed back to
his homepage aquarium with all the other fish. THE END